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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

10 Beautiful Places In The World That Actually Exist


Wisteria Tunnel is located at the Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan. Flowering trees hang overhead and the different colored rows speckle the garden.


The Cinque Terre is part of the coast in the Liguria region of Italy. The terraces built on the rugged landscape are a popular tourist attraction.


Magic Mountain hotel is exactly what you think it is. It's a hotel shaped like a mountain that spews water from the top. It's located in Huilo Huilo, a private Natural Reserve in the Los Rios region of Chile.


The Crooked Forest is located right outside of Nowe Czarnowo, West Pomerania, Poland. The grove contains approximately 400 pine trees with bent trunks. They were planted sometime in 1939, but why or who made them crooked is unknown.


Giant trees surround this old train tunnel located in Kleven, Ukraine. The magical-looking place is nicknamed "The Tunnel Of Love" by locals because it is a popular spot for couples to visit.


The Blue Lagoon hot springs in Iceland are man-made bodies of water, but the springs are heated naturally with the volcanic activity on the island. The springs are especially beautiful in the snowy winter, and the water still quite toasty.


The ice canyons in Greenland were carved by meltwater and are as deep as 150 feet.


Ball Pyramid is the world's tallest sea stack. It is the remains of a shield volcano formed about 7 million years ago. It is 562 meters high and is located southeast of Lord Howe Island in the Pacific Ocean.


The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system. It's located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It's so large, you can see it from outer space. The reef is a very popular destination for scuba divers and other tourists.


Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest park in Croatia. The park is filled with luscious green scenery, beautiful lagoons, and amazing waterfalls.

3 Ways Apples Can Help You Lose Weight

Breakfast: Low-Calorie Swap Oatmeal for breakfast is an excellent choice. You can sweeten your bowl of oats with maple syrup (one eighth of a cup is 100 calories) or pour on four times as much unsweetened applesauce instead: half a cup contains 52 calories. Make this switch for a whole week of breakfasts, and you'll not only save 336 calories, you'll gain 10.5 grams of filling fiber.
Morning or Afternoon Snack: Fill Up on Fiber to Prevent Mindless Snacking Full of flavor, apples are also great sources of hunger-satiating fiber. Snack on one large apple (with the skin) for 116 calories, and you'll consume 5.4 grams of fiber. The high water content and amazing amount of fiber will keep you full until your next meal, curbing hunger, and preventing the temptation to reach for a high-calorie nibble.
Dessert: Skip the Calorie Bombs Half a cup of chocolate ice cream contains 250 calories. Two homemade chocolate chip cookies contain 178 calories. Half a Green & Black's Organic Dark Chocolate Bar contains 300 calories.
Holy calories! After-dinner treats can really add up if you make a habit of indulging every night, so save your calories and enjoy a naturally sweet treat instead. Slice a small apple (77 calories), drizzle it with one tablespoon of honey (64 calories), and sprinkle on cinnamon for 141 calories. For a more decadent "dessert," remove the core from a raw apple, stuff it with a few chopped walnuts and raisins, a small dollop of honey, pop it in the oven, and enjoy a treat for even fewer calories.

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World

10. Vosges Haut Chocolat Approximately 454 grams costs $ 69. This flavor combines chocolate: milk chocolate with sweet Indian curry and coconut cocci.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (2)
9. Richard Donnelly Approximately 454 grams costs $ 75. Richard Donnelly started making this type of chocolate in 1988. Candy’s chocolate are handcrafted and sold to the best bars in the U.S.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (4)
8. Chuao Price: $ 79 to about 454 grams. The name comes from the region of Chuao chocolate from Venezuela. Use only fresh ingredients .TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (10)
7. Debauve & Gallais 94 dollars for 454 grams. Debauve & Gallais chocolate are low in sugar and cocoa quality. I do not use dyes or other additives.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (9)
6. Pierre Marcolini A more expensive chocolate. 102.50 dollars for a pound. In preparation they use the finest cocoa beans.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (5)
5. Richart $ 120 for 454 grams – contains 70% cocoa Chocolate Richart Criollo from Venezuela, considered the best cocoa in the world.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (3)
4. Godiva “G” Collection $ 120 for 454 g – Chocolate “G” Collection is a newly introduced brand of Godiva. Each chocolate candy is made ​​from cocoa beans quality and many other ingredients depending on the type of chocolate chosen.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (7)
3. Delafee $ 508 for 454 grams – This chocolate is made ​​from cocoa beans and flakes of high quality edible 24-karat gold.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (8)
2. Noka Vintages Collection $ 854 for 454 grams – candy made ​​from the finest dark chocolate from Venezuela, Ecuador, Trinidad and Côte d’Azur. Noka does not use vanilla or lecithin in chocolate.TOP 10 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World (6)
1. Chocopologie by Knipschildt $ 2,600 to approximately 454 grams – Knipschildt was created in 1999 by Fritz Knipschildt. The most expensive chocolate that sells is a $ 250 truffle in dark chocolate, which is not in the store, but must be ordered.
by : Salceanu Madalina - 25 Jul 2011 | Cool lists, Featured, Luxury

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Food Combining


SINOPSIS BUKU – Malaikat & Iblis (Edisi Khusus Bergambar)
Robert Langdon, simbologis Harvard tersohor, tidak pernah menyangka kalau satu hari dalam hidupnya akan dipenuhi oleh terlalu banyak kejutan. Kalau hanya melihat ambigram yang bertuliskan nama kelompok persaudaraan Illuminati, mungkin itu bukan masalah besar. Tapi melihatnya tercap di dada lima lelaki yang terbunuh pada hari yang sama? Jauh sebelum memecahkan Kode Da Vinci, Robert Langdon diminta oleh sebuah institusi penelitian di Swiss untuk menganalisis simbol penuh teka-teki yang tercap di dada seorang ahli fisika yang tewas terbunuh. Apa yang ditemukannya sungguh di luar dugaan: dendam mematikan terhadap Gereja Katolik dari sebuah persaudaraan kuno yang sudah berlangsung selama berabad-abad—Illuminati. Terdorong untuk menyelamatkan Vatikan dari bom waktu yang berdaya ledak besar, Langdon membantu pasukan penjaga paling setia di dunia bersama dengan seorang ilmuwan misterius nan cantik bernama Vittoria Vetra. Berdua, mereka memulai perburuan yang menyeramkan ke ruang-ruang bawah tanah yang terkunci rapat, kuburan-kuburan berbahaya, katedral-katedral yang lengang, dan tempat yang paling misterius di dunia … markas Illuminati yang lama terlupakan. Ditulis dengan gaya jenaka namun cerdas, Dan Brown membawa kita berpetualang di pusat kebudayaan tertua di Eropa, Roma. Pemahaman kita dibuat terkaget-kaget dengan penyingkapan berbagai rahasia di balik tempat-tempat bersejarah dan karya-karya seni terkenal yang terdapat di sana. Dengan plot cerita yang melingkar-lingkar dan alur yang cepat, Brown sekali lagi berhasil “menyiksa” kita dengan sebuah novel yang sulit dilepaskan begitu kita mulai membacanya

Spring Night

The park is filled with night and fog, The veils are drawn about the world, The drowsy lights along the paths Are dim and pearled. Gold and gleaming the empty streets, gold and gleaming the misty lake, The mirrored lights like sunken swords, Glimmer and shake. Oh, is it not enought to be Here with this beauty over me? My throat should ache with praise, and I Should kneel in joy beneath the sky. O, Beauty are you not enough? Why am I crying after love, With youth, a singing voice and eyes To take earth's wonder with surprise? Why have I put off my pride, Why am I unsatisfied,-- I for whom the pensive night Binds her cloudy hair with light,-- I, for whom all beauty burns Like incense in a million urns? O, Beauty, are you not enough? Why am I crying after love? Sara Teasdale